Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Two hikers rescued from Quandary Peak

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at approximately 2 pm, the Summit County Rescue Group (SCRG) and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office responded to a Search and Rescue mission with potential injuries on Quandary Peak. Quandary Peak, located approximately 7 miles south of the Town of Breckenridge, is a popular hiking destination.

The Sheriff’s Office Special Ops Division, in collaboration with the SAR Coordinator, swiftly located the hikers using a drone. Two hikers were ascending the popular 14er when they veered off the trail, lost their footing, and slid approximately 100 feet. Unable to ascend back to the ridge due to adverse conditions, they began descending and found themselves in a steep snow-covered couloir on the southern aspect of the peak. Though stable, they were unable to move.

Rescues of this nature are not uncommon on Quandary, and SCRG is well-equipped to handle such situations. However, given the time of year and precarious position of the hikers in the couloir, the rescue necessitated careful coordination of personnel and resources to ensure safety.

SCRG deployed 17 field personnel, in addition to command and logistical staff. Additional resources included Flight For Life, a National Guard Blackhawk helicopter from HAATS, and assistance from the Red, White and Blue Fire department. Rescuers worked together over 8 hours to safely access and lower the hikers from the couloir. Both ground and aerial rescuers deemed it unsafe to hoist the hikers directly into the National Guard Blackhawk.

The Summit County Rescue Group extends gratitude to their partners at the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, Red, White, and Blue Fire, Flight for Life, and the Colorado Air National Guard for their collective efforts in ensuring the safe and successful execution of this technical rescue. SCRG emphasizes the importance of thorough hike planning and preparedness. While the rescued hikers were adequately equipped for the weather, they deviated from their planned route, leading them into a challenging situation. Thankfully, with coordinated efforts, everyone involved safely descended from the mountain.


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