Monday, May 20, 2024

Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences

The Outdoor Alliance is asking for help to pass a recreation policy package by encouraging your lawmakers to take action.

Last month House lawmakers passed the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act, a first-of-its-kind bipartisan package of outdoor recreation policy to improve outdoor recreation on America’s public lands and waters. The passage of this outdoor recreation policy package creates opportunities to improve how public lands are managed to enhance outdoor experiences for all. The EXPLORE Act includes many key bills that Outdoor Alliance and its partners have helped develop and refine alongside lawmakers. The Senate is expected to take up the bill in coming weeks, as it has already introduced bipartisan companion legislation, America’s Outdoor Recreation Act (AORA) that has passed out of committee. According the the Outdoor Alliance,
With outdoor recreation participation growing, there are many opportunities to improve how public lands are managed. Outdoor Alliance and our partners have been working for years to develop and pass a package of recreation policy to improve outdoor recreation on public lands and waters.

The Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act takes important steps to expand and improve outdoor recreation opportunities. The highlights include the Biking on Long Distance Trails Act (BOLT) to identify and create more long-distance bike trails, the Protecting America's Rock Climbing Act (PARC) to safeguard Wilderness climbing, the Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation Act (SOAR) that will improve recreational permitting for outfitters and guides, and permanent direction for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership and FICOR.

Highlights from the policy include:

* The Biking on Long Distance Trails Act (BOLT Act) identifies and creates more long-distance bike trails

* The Protecting America’s Rock Climbing Act (PARC Act) safeguards Wilderness climbing

* The Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation Act (SOAR Act) improves recreational permitting for outfitters and guides

* Codifies FICOR and the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership, which funds parks and green spaces in neighborhoods that need it most

For more information, please click here.

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