Monday, June 10, 2024

RMNP Trail News

Below are a couple of recent social media posts from Rocky Mountain National Park that may be of interest to hikers. The first was posted about an hour ago:
The Bowen Gulch Trail/Continental Divide Trail on the west side of #RMNP is rerouted due to high, fast water and flooding, including a bridge washout. Rangers have signed and flagged a reroute around the washed-out bridge.
This was posted on Saturday:
Lily Lake Trail has reopened!

Thank you to Rocky's Trail Crew for their hard work to repair the Lily Lake Trail. Strong winds created high waves on Lily Lake during the winter and spring, which caused a section of the Lily Lake Trail to be damaged.
This one is from five days ago:
Conditions are changing on many higher elevation trails in Rocky. Be prepared for varying conditions on most park trails. Sections of trails may be dry. Some sections of trails may be wet or muddy. Other areas are still covered with snow. Waterproof hiking boots, traction devices, and hiking poles are helpful when hiking on trails above 9,000 feet.


Check out our online trail guides:

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