Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Old Forest Inn

Located near The Pool in Rocky Mountain National Park is the former site of the Forest Inn. Established in 1917, the Forest Inn featured a lodge, dining room, lounge, and several cabins and tents throughout its lifespan. According to a 1934 park brochure, the Forest Inn "on Fern Lake Trail, offers board and lodging (tents) at prices from $3 to $4 a day and $15 to $20 a week. If you occupy a cabin, the charge is from $4 to $5 a day, and $20 to $25 a week. Single meals are $1 each. F. D. Tecker operates Forest Inn."

The resort closed its doors in 1951, was sold to the National Park Service during the following year, and was finally razed in 1959.

Like the old Fern Lake Lodge, the resort was only accessible by trail. Today, the Old Forest Inn backcountry campsite occupies the former resort site. The two campsites are located roughly 200 yards above The Pool.


Virtually no one went hiking before the 19th century. What occurred that inspired ordinary people to take a walk through the woods for pleasure? Ramble On explores the rich history of hiking, and how it evolved into one of the most popular pastimes in the world:

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