Friday, August 31, 2018

Volunteers Needed for Young Gulch Trail Work

Restoration work is continuing on the Young Gulch Trail in the Poudre Canyon that was badly damaged by the 2013 Flood. Progress has been slow and steady by volunteers and Forest Service employees with plans to open the trail sometime in 2019.

There is still a little more than a mile of trail to build and about two miles that need finish work. The Wildlands Restoration Volunteers will be hosting a volunteer day on September 1 and 2, 2018. Details about the project as well as the sign-up, is available on Wildlands Restoration Volunteer’s website at

This event is a great way to learn how trails are built and to help protect and conserve your National Forest resource. The Forest Service greatly appreciates all the volunteer support that has taken place so far on this very popular trail.


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