Friday, August 31, 2018

Rescue Effort Takes Place In Longs Peak Search Area

On Wednesday night Emma Long, 23, of Houston, Texas, was reported by a friend as overdue in the Longs Peak area. Rocky Mountain National Park Search and Rescue Team members incorporated search efforts in the Keyhole Route area for Long as well as Jens “Jay” Yambert, who was reported missing on Tuesday night.

These efforts were underway early yesterday morning when park visitors notified rangers that they were assisting a female who indicated she had fallen at some time in the preceding 24 hours above the Keyhole. Rocky Mountain National Park Search and Rescue members arrived on scene at 9:30 a.m. Long suffered serious injuries from the fall. Search and Rescue team members and visitors moved her via litter to The Boulder Field where a Flight For Life air ambulance from Colorado Springs flew her at 11:10 a.m. to St. Anthony’s Hospital in Denver.

Search efforts have continued for Jens “Jay” Yambert. After hearing about the search for Yambert, park staff have heard from visitors who saw Yambert on Monday morning, August 27, along the Keyhole Route. Visitors indicated that the weather was poor with ice, sleet, rain, and strong winds. Park staff greatly appreciate information that visitors are providing. From visitor descriptions, Yambert was wearing a black raincoat, gray shorts with high black socks, yellow gloves, sandals and a blue/gray backpack. He was carrying trekking poles.

Park rangers would like to hear from anyone who has been in the Longs Peak or Mount Meeker area since Sunday, August 26, particularly on the Keyhole Route, Keplinger’s Couloir, The Loft, Chasm Lake, Clark’s Arrow and the Roaring Fork area. Please call (970) 586-1204.


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