Saturday, April 6, 2024

Outdoor recreationists advised to take extra avalanche safety precautions this spring to avoid avalanche paths

The Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) remind outdoor enthusiasts participating in outdoor recreation to check avalanche forecasts at before going into the backcountry.

“More backcountry users were caught in avalanches in March than any other month this year–especially the last ten days of the month,” said CAIC Director Ethan Greene. “Thankfully, no one has been seriously injured or worse. We want everyone to enjoy our wonderful public lands and go home alive and well to their family and friends.”

CAIC has recorded more than 5,000 avalanches this season, with 112 people caught, 38 partially buried, six fully buried, and 14 injured. Tragically, two people have been killed in avalanches this season.

“It might be early April and officially spring, but we still have winter avalanche conditions. People should make travel plans based on the current snowpack—not the calendar,” said CAIC’s Director Ethan Greene. We need everyone headed into the backcountry to check the avalanche forecast and make sure their plan for the day fits the current avalanche conditions.”

In Colorado, people who recreate in the backcountry must be mindful of the risks of avalanche weather and constantly shifting weather patterns. Dangerous weather conditions that raise concerns are unpredictable, such as strong wind gusts, heavy snow storms, cold water temperatures, and avalanches.

Below are outdoor recreation and avalanche safety tips to help you recreate responsibly. Avalanches happen in Colorado, so planning and monitoring the weather will ensure the safest time possible.

Avalanche Safety Tips:
* Check the forecast (
* Get some training (article, online material, evening to multi-day class)
* Be prepared (regarding avalanches, carry avalanche transceiver, probe pole, and shovel)
* Park in designated areas — undesignated parking can destroy vegetation and block outdoor first-responder vehicles in an emergency.


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