Monday, December 18, 2023

USDA Forest Service acquires strategic property providing public access to Mount Democrat

The long-standing logistical challenges stemming from limited access through private land to one of Colorado’s most majestic “Fourteeners”– a peak that rises above 14,000 feet has been resolved. In partnership with The Conservation Fund, a nonprofit conservation organization, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service acquired nearly 300 acres leading to Mount Democrat in Colorado’s Mosquito Range.

The Conservation Fund stepped in earlier this year to buy the property from Earth Energy Resources LLC, represented by John Reiber, and worked with the Forest Service to convey the property into public ownership and management by the Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands.

The purchase adds to the majestic beauty of the South Park Ranger District based in Fairplay, Colorado. Along with eliminating liability concerns, it will expand outdoor recreational opportunities considerably. Encompassing the headwaters for the South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, the Kite Lake Trailhead, key trail segments, and the entire Mount Democrat summit, the acquisition is part of the popular DeCaLiBron hiking loop. The loop includes Mount Cameron, Mount Lincoln and Mount Bross, and provides outdoor enthusiasts a unique opportunity to hike several “Fourteener” peaks in one day.

“We are excited about this land acquisition, and honored to add Mount Democrat to the Colorado Fourteeners that we manage on behalf of the American public,” said Regional Forester Frank Beum. “This opportunity would never have been possible without support from The Conservation Fund and numerous partners, and we cannot express enough appreciation to them for securing this property.” “Protecting one of America’s tallest mountains and its headwaters for all to enjoy is an honor of a lifetime for us,” said Kelly Ingebritson, Colorado project manager at The Conservation Fund. “We are thrilled to celebrate this achievement – which was made possible by the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund – alongside the Forest Service, Colorado’s congressional delegation and our community partners.”


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