Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Piedmont Appalachian Trail Hikers club reviews "Ramble On"!

Earlier this month the Piedmont Appalachian Trail Hikers club published a review of my new book, Ramble On: How Hiking Became One of the Most Popular Outdoor Activities in the World. The Piedmont Appalachian Trail Hikers (or PATH) is one of 31 volunteer clubs associated with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy that helps to maintain the Appalachian Trail. PATH is responsible for maintaining 66 miles of the National Scenic Trail in southwest Virginia. I want to sincerely thank Karl Kunkel for publishing his detailed review of the book in the latest edition of PATHWAYS, a quarterly publication by the Piedmont Appalachian Trail Hikers.

In the review, Kunkel notes that "Hikers of all levels — whether they be long-distance backpackers or Sunday afternoon day-hikers— have probably spent some quiet time along a trail, wondering about the history of this pursuit they have embraced. The author's heavily researched book offers a solid springboard for the curious. Thanks to his detailed history, a reader can branch out into any number of avenues."

Mr. Kunkel concludes his appraisal by declaring that “This history offers much food for thought for those interested in uncovering the many strands of a sport — and a passion — that are intricately woven into our culture."

To read the entire review (on page 3), please click here. To purchase the book on Amazon, please click here.


Ramble On (2nd edition book on the rich history of hiking)
Exploring Glacier National Park
Exploring Grand Teton National Park

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