Thursday, August 24, 2023

Expect Flash Flooding in Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park posted this on their social media earlier today:
Planning a trip to Rocky? Rain is in the forecast for Rocky Mountain National Park this Friday and Saturday.

Friday continues to look like a day to watch for the potential of flash flooding. Thunderstorms are expected Friday afternoon through early Saturday. Rainfall rates and amounts, and the location of the heaviest rain, are still uncertain. If you are planning travel Friday-Saturday or live in flood-prone area, please be aware of your surroundings and have a way to receive flash flood warnings.


Ramble On (2nd edition book on the rich history of hiking)
Exploring Glacier National Park
Exploring Grand Teton National Park


  1. We arrived on Sunday, hiked Monday and today (Tuesday) and trails seem to be in good condition even with all the rain. We went to Emerald Lake Tuesday and Odessa Lake today.

    Just wanted to say thanks so much for providing all the fantastic trail info on this blog. My husband and I have been visiting RMNP almost yearly since we got engaged at Lily Lake in 2019. The trail descriptions and ratings have been such a helpful resource for us and we've discovered some truly beautiful places we otherwise wouldn't have gone (Mt. Ida in particular!). We truly appreciate all the time, effort, and love put into this website.

  2. HM - thank you for the updates! It's always good to get on-the-ground info.

    And thank you very much for the kudos on the site! Very much appreciated, and glad to hear that you've found it to be useful.

    Happy trails!
