Wednesday, June 14, 2023

It's elk calving season in Rocky!

Rocky Mountain National Park posted this on their social media yesterday:
It's elk calving season in Rocky!

During this time, elk cows (female elk) are finding a quiet, secluded place to drop their young. After approximately 30 minutes, newborn elk calves can stand and nurse. Momma elk and their young will be solitary for the first 1-2 weeks after giving birth. Newborn elk are born scentless, which helps protect them from predators during this vulnerable time. When elk mommas are ready to forage for food, they will cache their young in a quiet place.

If you see a lone elk calf, do not approach! These animals have not been abandoned - their mother are nearby and keeping watch.

After this initial solitary period, elk cows will join together into nursery herds of usually 15-20 mommas with their young. These herds should be avoided. New mothers are highly protective of their young and may become aggressive. Keep back at least 100 ft, or the length of 3 buses. If an animal is responding to your presence, you are too close!


Ramble On (2nd edition book on the rich history of hiking)
Exploring Glacier National Park
Exploring Grand Teton National Park

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