Thursday, May 4, 2023

Parks and Wildlife Commission Approves Historic Final Wolf Restoration and Management Plan

After more than two years of extensive statewide stakeholder meetings and outreach via a series of public hearings, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission on Wednesday gave final approval to the final Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan.

The plan was unanimously adopted through a two-step approval process that began at a CPW Commission meeting last month in Steamboat Springs.

The final approval clears the way for CPW biologists to introduce wolves in the Western Slope area and meet the voter-approved deadline of reintroduction by December 31, 2023.

After the Draft Wolf Restoration and Management Plan was released Dec. 9, CPW's extensive public outreach efforts through in-person and virtual meetings, as well as on its website, produced about 4,000 comments online and via in-person testimony from 232 people at its five public meetings across Colorado in January and February.

Immediately following the approval of the final Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan, the Commission unanimously passed resolution 2023:01 – Regarding Reintroduction of Gray Wolves​.

The resolution reaffirms the Commission’s appreciation and support for the ongoing efforts of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a partner with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to finalize the 10(j) rule as anticipated. The resolution also reaffirms the Commission “finds and determines that the successful implementation of Proposition 114, now codified as state statute 33-2-105.8, relies on the implementation of best management practices to resolve conflict with persons engaged in ranching and farming in this state.”

The plan was amended to require a count of 150 wolves for two successive years or 200 wolves at any time and will add a geographical distribution component through a finding that the species “is present in a significant portion of its range."

The public is invited to visit CPW’s Stay Informed page and sign up for the Wolf Reintroduction eNews to stay up to date with CPW’s Wolf Restoration efforts.


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