Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Crawford Path: The world's first hiking trail

Did you know that the Crawford Path in New Hampshire celebrated its bicentennial on August 9, 2019? Even more significantly, this historic path to the summit of Mt. Washington is most likely the first hiking trail to be built specifically for recreational purposes anywhere in the world. “Ramble On: How Hiking Became One of the Most Popular Outdoor Activities in the World” discusses the important role this path and its builders, Abel Crawford and his son, Ethan Allen Crawford, played in the development of hiking in America in the early-to-mid 1800s.

For more information and to order your copy of the book, please click here. Thank you very much!


Ramble On (2nd edition book on the rich history of hiking)
Exploring Glacier National Park
Exploring Grand Teton National Park

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