Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Announcement: "Ramble On" To Be Published on February 7th

I’m very excited to announce that “Ramble On: How Hiking Became One of the Most Popular Outdoor Activities in the World” will be officially published on Amazon next Tuesday, February 7th!

As previously mentioned on this blog, this new book is an expanded edition of "Ramble On: A History of Hiking," which was published in 2018. So you may be asking, "why publish a 2nd edition?" Great question! Here are a few answers:

* The new edition builds upon the first edition of my book to reflect additional research, to expand more broadly on a few topics, and to discuss new information. For example, since publication of the first edition, a compelling new theory has emerged as to why Darby Field made his two ascents of Mt. Washington in 1642, which directly challenges the legend of him being the first hiker in America.

* I thought it was important to chronicle in more detail the crucial role the multi-generational Crawford family of New Hampshire played in the development of hiking. The new edition dives more deeply to examine the significance of this family, and the many historical events that surrounded them as hiking blossomed in America.

* I also wanted to provide a better understanding of how the social trends that prevailed during the Age of Enlightenment influenced art, literature, religion and thought, which allowed hiking to bloom and eventually flourish.

* Finally, the 2nd edition delves deeper into the first female hikers and mountaineers, while showing that women eagerly adopted these fledgling outdoor pursuits.

In the meantime, you can find more information about the book by clicking here.

Thank you!


Ramble On: A History of Hiking
Exploring Glacier National Park
Exploring Grand Teton National Park

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