Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Great Sand Dunes to Host Dark Sky Celebration

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is hosting a dark sky celebration on Saturday, August 27th from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the outdoor amphitheater. Far from the light pollution of urban areas, Great Sand Dunes protects some of Colorado’s darkest night skies. This free event will celebrate and educate visitors about the benefits to dark sky preservation.

The event begins with a 30-minute “Birds of Prey” presentation at 6:30pm by the Nature and Wildlife Discovery Center of Pueblo, Colorado. Shortly following the presentation, visitors will have the chance to meet owls rehabilitated at the Discovery and Nature Center.

A kids’ activity and information table will be set up at 7:30pm for visitors of all ages to learn about reducing light pollution and appreciating the dark skies. Staffed tables will provide astronomy information, handouts, and the Junior Ranger Night Explorer activity book. Upon completion of this activity book, kids can earn a special night sky patch. A ranger-led program will begin at 8:30pm followed by multiple telescope viewings of planets and deep sky objects. The event concludes at 11pm but stargazers are encouraged to continue enjoying the dark skies after the event.

This event relies on good weather and dark conditions, so visitors are advised to bring red light flashlights and headlamps to protect their night vision and wear warm and layered clothing due to nighttime temperatures. The information table will provide red cellophane and rubber bands to convert white lights to less harmful red ones. In case of inclement weather, the event may be canceled.

On a clear, moonless night one can see thousands of stars, including the Milky Way, stretching across the sky. Whether attendees want to see the Milky Way, planets, and nebulae for the first time or simply desire a better connection with a true night sky, this free event aims to deliver opportunities to understand why dark skies are an important resource.

For more information about this event please contact the visitor center at 719-378-6395 from 9am to 4:30pm, daily. You can also visit the park’s website at www.nps.gov/grsa


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