Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Flooding in Rocky Mountain Results in Trail Closures

Rocky Mountain National Park has posted this blurb on their social media:
High temperatures have led to increased snowmelt in Rocky's high elevation areas. This has resulted in several closures on the west side of Rocky Mountain National Park from flooding on Tonahutu Creek and the Colorado River.

Areas that are currently closed include the North Inlet access road, East Inlet Trail, the access road for Bowen Gulch, the Holzwarth Historic Site at the access bridge, and the Colorado River Trail north of the Red Mountain/Colorado River Trail junction. These closures are in place for public safety and there is no anticipated time on when they will be lifted.

North Inlet Trail remains open to hikers, the Colorado River Trailhead parking area and the Holzwarth Historic Site parking area remain open.

All rivers, creeks, and streams are running fast and high throughout Rocky Mountain National Park. Use extreme caution around all bodies of moving water. The water is colder, deeper, and faster than you think. Even very shallow moving water can have a strong current and cause someone to lose their footing.

Know before you go - If you are hiking and come upon water moving across a trail, stop and do not cross. It is best to turn back and try your hike another day.
Just a few minutes ago the park announced that the East Inlet Trail has reopened. You can stay up to date on current closures here.


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