Monday, November 1, 2021 Adds 5 New Hikes to Website continues to expand! Kathy and I spent a week and a half in Rocky Mountain National Park a few weeks ago, and as a result, we just added 5 new hikes to our website (in addition to several new photos for several other hikes). Hopefully you'll find that this expansion will make your hike and trip planning a little easier. During our trip we made our first trek to Lion Lake No. 1. Why did we ever wait so long?

Anyway, here's a rundown on what's been added to our site:

Lion Lake No. 1: For whatever reason, we haven't had a chance to take this hike until this past fall. Wow! What were we waiting for? The rugged subalpine landscape that surrounds this lake offers some of the most beautiful scenery in the park, while making it by far the most scenic lake in Wild Basin.

Timber Lake: At some point I thought the landslide area along the route would be cleared. I don't think this will ever happen, so we went ahead and hiked to the lake on the west side of the park. During our trip the slide really wasn't a big deal. The lake and the meadows along the way make this a very nice hike.

Lulu City: Although nearly every hike on this website visits a specific destination, you could argue that this hike is more about the journey. On this route hikers will enjoy beautiful meadows and mountain scenery as they proceed along the upper portions of the Colorado River. While there’s quite a bit of history along the way, the physical remnants are rapidly decaying.

Boulder Brook Loop: This is an excellent choice if you're seeking a bit of solitude in the heart of Rocky Mountain National Park!

Lily Ridge Loop: Provides hikers with the opportunity to view Lily Lake and the surrounding mountains from a higher vantage point.

Happy trails!


Ramble On: A History of Hiking
Exploring Glacier National Park
Exploring Grand Teton National Park

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