Monday, May 31, 2021

Rocky Mountain Conservancy Continues Longs Peak Trail Work in 2021

The Rocky Mountain Conservancy recently announced that they will be continuing their multi-year project to rehabilitate the popular Longs Peak Trail. Here's a snippet from that announcement:
...beginning in 2020, RMNP trail crews were engaged to initiate trail repair that was geared to support a large volume of visitor use, park custodial operations and important SAR operations – and help protect the sensitive tundra ecosystem.

Much of the work in 2020 was constructed from native rock. This year, in 2021, trail crews will be focusing on building European paver‐style trails – an elegant and long‐lasting solution – from Granite Pass to the Boulder Field, focusing much of their efforts on a large switchback just below the Boulderfield, as well as the stretch from the Battle Mountain Campsite junction to Chasm Lake Junction.

Two trail crews will spend much of the season at elevation, living and working on the trail. This trail project will have a lot of logistics and heavy stonework, but the extensive project will serve to represent the area’s status as one of the most prominent backcountry trails on the Front Range. Thanks to the generosity of long‐time Conservancy supporter Richard Hoffman of Denver, Colorado, in 2021, the Conservancy was able to provide an additional $40,000 to help fund labor, logistics, materials and equipment toward this incredible backcountry project. The entire project is estimated to be a 3‐5 ‐year venture.


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