Thursday, May 20, 2021

Halfmoon Road Widening Project Begins

Work on the road that leads to the Mount Massive and Mount Elbert recreational areas on the Pike and San Isabel National Forests Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Leadville Ranger District will close NFSR 110, also known as Halfmoon Road, for the next three weeks while crews work to improve parking and public safety by widening the road and parking areas at the trailheads.

Lake County closed the county road which effectively closes the portion of Halfmoon Road managed by the Forest Service. Lake Road and Bridge is moving cut trees and will begin hauling them soon.

“We have been ready to work on this project for four years and with increased interest in hiking the trails to these fourteeners, a need to eliminate blind corners and improve the ability for emergency services to support visitors when necessary made this a priority for our district,” said Leadville District Ranger Pat Mercer. “Crews are trying to get most of the work done before the campgrounds open around Memorial Day, weather permitting.”

Next steps:

* Crews will remove additional trees for widening the road and increasing sight distance

* Crews will widen the road and trailhead parking lots

Work that can be implemented safely with the road open will continue after Memorial Day until the project is complete. The project will help the Forest Service improve visitor safety, access, and experience by working with state and local governments and other partners in a Shared Stewardship framework, the project benefits from partner contributions bolstering funding provided under the Great American Outdoors Act.


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