Saturday, May 15, 2021

Bear-Resistant Food Storage Required

A new Food Storage Order now requires visitors to safely store food and other scented products like toothpaste and deodorant when they’re not actively cooking or eating in the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. Bear resistant containers include bear lockers in campgrounds, bear resistant canisters (sold in stores), and food stored out of sight in closed and locked vehicles. Food can also be secured by properly hanging it 10 feet off the ground spaced between two trees, but this can be challenging in higher elevation areas where trees are stunted and scarce.

The order applies when visitors are either in a developed recreation site such as a campground or within 300 feet of either side of the centerline of any open public road (as indicated on the Motor Vehicle Use Map); and additional areas where conflicts with bears and people are known to occur: Lost Lake, Diamond Lake Backcountry Travel Zone, and Jasper Lake Backcountry Travel Zone.


Ramble On: A History of Hiking
Exploring Glacier National Park
Exploring Grand Teton National Park

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