Tuesday, March 2, 2021

CPW releases educational video series on mountain lions

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is promoting a new four-part educational video series on mountain lions. CPW Director Dan Prenzlow said this video series was produced to tell the history of the mountain lion and living with lions in our growing state.

“Mountain lions are a fascinating yet elusive animal, but when they do pop on the radar they make for big headlines,” Prenzlow said. “Sightings of mountain lions are increasing and we’ve had a couple high-profile attacks in the last two years. Thanks to sound management practices implemented over the years, mountain lions are doing quite well in Colorado. The challenge going forward will be balancing decreasing habitats and our exploding human populations, since we share the same spaces. This video series is meant to lay that all out.”

Mat Alldredge, a wildlife researcher for CPW who is a leading expert on mountain lions, sparked the idea to create a video series to share information on lions with the public.

“We’re trying to present our mountain lion research in an informative manner that is accessible and interesting to the public and not in a dry, boring research paper,” Alldredge said.

The video series is available on YouTube. Below is Episode 4: What to do if you encounter a mountain lion.


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