Monday, May 4, 2020

Leadville Ranger District will begin work to re-route popular FS road

Construction work is expected to begin today, May 4, to re-route NFSR 390, also known as Clear Creek Road, at the Forest Service boundary in Lake County.

NFSR 390 is currently in a seasonal closure that normally lasts until mid-May, depending on snowpack; however, it may remain closed until after the new road construction is completed depending on the road conditions. If opened, the current road will be limited to one lane of traffic for the duration of the project.

Clear Creek Road provides access to Huron Peak and other 14ers in the area.

The U.S. Forest Service Pike and San Isabel National Forests Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Leadville Ranger District determined a need to re-route the access road that was damaged with high water flows in Spring 2019. The condition of the road has remained unstable and may to continue to erode, preventing access to private properties and public lands along the road.

A Forest Service Road Crew will begin major earthwork as soon conditions allow. The new road will be completed under contract including establishing ditches, installing culverts, and applying road base to match the existing road template. Work on the new road will be adjacent to the existing road and traffic may occasionally be disrupted by moving equipment in the area. When the new road is complete, traffic will be switched to the new road and the old road will be decommissioned.

The Leadville District Ranger may order the operating status of the road to be changed if further degradation forces a full closure for safety reasons. You can find the latest status updates for this project here.


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