Monday, October 14, 2019

National Visitor Use Monitoring Surveys in Progress

The Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland will launch a yearlong effort to gain a better understanding of how many visitors recreate in the National Forest. This National Forest survey was conducted in 2015 on your National Forest and we are returning 5 years later to update the information previously gathered, as well as to look at recreation trends over time. This process known as National Visitor Use Monitoring (NVUM), will occur every 5 years, is geared toward collecting data on what types of recreational activities visitors engage in and how satisfied they are with the facilities and services provided.

The Forest Service and contract employees will be working in developed and dispersed recreation sites and along Forest Service roads, they will be wearing bright orange vests and be near a sign that says “Traffic Survey Ahead”.

The information gathered is useful for forest planning and even local community tourism planning. It provides the National Forest managers with an estimate of how many people actually recreate on federal lands and what activities they engage in while there.

This recreation visitor program gathers basic visitor information. All responses are confidential, in fact a person’s name is never written anywhere on the survey. The basic interview lasts about 8 minutes. The questions visitors are asked include:

* Where they recreated on the Forest?

* How many people they traveled with?

* How long they were on the Forest?

* What other recreation sites they visited while on the Forest? and

* How satisfied they were with the facilities and services provided?

Although the survey is entirely voluntary, we would appreciate it if visitors would pull up and answer a few questions. It’s important for them to talk with local people using the forest as well as out-of-area visitors so all types of visitors are represented in the study. Even if you answered the survey questions once already, we would like to talk to you about each of your National Forest visits, so if you see us out there again, please stop for another interview.

For more information the survey visit

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