Thursday, July 11, 2019

Confirmed Wolf Sightings in Colorado

The wolf recently sighted and photographed in Jackson County, Colorado was confirmed by Wyoming Game and Fish to be a dispersing male gray wolf from Wyoming. The collared wolf is from the Snake River pack and was last recorded by transmission signals on February 12 during routine telemetry flights around South Pass.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife will monitor the area but is no longer actively pursuing the wolf’s location. CPW will remain in close communication with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the USDA Wildlife Services, Wyoming Game and Fish and local municipalities. Under the Endangered Species Act, harming, harassing, or killing a gray wolf other than in cases of self-defense is unlawful.

Ski Hi News is also reporting that a wolf, presumably the same one, was recently spotted in Grand County, located on the west side of Rocky Mountain National Park.

Ramble On: A History of Hiking

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