Sunday, June 16, 2019

Be Aware Of Swift Water Danger When Recreating In Rocky Mountain National Park

As temperatures increase and thunderstorms occur, visitors to Rocky Mountain National Park should be aware that mountain streams can be dangerous especially in late spring and early summer. Don’t underestimate the power of water.

Park visitors are reminded to remain back from the banks of streams and rivers. Rocks at streamside are often slippery. Water is extremely cold and can be deceivingly deep. Water levels generally rise in the afternoon and follow thunderstorms. Always provide proper supervision for children, who by nature, tend to be attracted to water. Powerful currents can quickly pull a person underwater.

Due to rapid snow melt, area trails and bridges may become impassable due to rising water levels. If you encounter impassable areas, be prepared to back track to alternate hiking routes.

Ramble On: A History of Hiking

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