Wednesday, October 24, 2018

CPW Releases Moose Safety Video - How NOT to get stomped by the most charismatic animal in Colorado

With healthy moose populations now found throughout Colorado and a growing number of people in the state, the potential for dangerous interactions is on the rise, say Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials. In response to the growing concern, the agency is promoting a new video illustrating how people can be safe and responsible around these giant mammals. CPW urges everyone to take a few minutes to watch the video, air it on community television stations and in-house hotel networks, post on private and public social media accounts, rental car outlets or anywhere it may get a view.

The six-minute CPW production features District Wildlife Manager Elissa Slezak of Summit County offering information about how to prevent conflicts with moose. Last May, Slezak and her community found themselves in the spotlight after several high-profile incidents involving people harassing or feeding moose made national headlines. "Moose do not fear humans so it can lead some to think they are friendly - I assure you they are not," she said. "Many people get into trouble because moose appear docile at first and don’t run away when people approach, but when a moose has decided you’ve invaded their space they can move very fast and its often too late to get away. And when it comes to defending their young, cow moose will protect their calves very aggressively, especially in the presence of dogs."

Slezak says moose react to dogs as they would to wolves - one of their primary predators. Moose will often attack even the most gentle dog as if it were a wolf, especially if the dog barks at or chases the moose. Unfortunately, the dog typically runs back to its owner bringing an angry, 1,000-pound moose back with it.

"The dog often gets away but the owner cannot escape and ends up injured instead," she said. "We've seen several instances where that exact scenario played out and the dog owner was seriously hurt."

Here's the video:

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