Friday, June 29, 2018

Fire Restrictions on the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions have expanded on the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests to include all National Forest System lands on the Boulder, Canyon Lakes, Clear Creek and Sulphur ranger districts. The Forest Service works closely with counties, monitors conditions as they change and continually evaluates with cooperators the need for restrictions.

Stage 1 fire restrictions limit where and what type of activities and fires visitors may have. The current restrictions remain in place until they are rescinded. Within the fire restriction area on National Forest System land on the Boulder, Canyon Lakes, Clear Creek and Sulphur ranger districts within Boulder, Gilpin, Clear Creek, Grand, Jefferson, Larimer and Park counties forest visitors may not:

* Build or maintain a fire or use charcoal, coal, or wood stoves, except in permanent fire pits or fire grates within a developed recreation site (e.g., campgrounds where fees are charged).

* Smoke, except in an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while in an area at least three feet in diameter cleared of all flammable materials.

* Use any internal or external combustion engine (including chainsaws) without a spark arresting device properly working and a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher and a round point shovel.

* Weld or operate acetylene or other torch with open flame except in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter and in possession of a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher.

* Use explosives, including fireworks.

Additionally the Stage 1 Fire restrictions for National Forest System land on the Boulder, Canyon Lakes and Clear Creek ranger districts within Boulder, Clear Creek and Gilpin counties prohibit the : Discharge of a firearm unless in possession of a valid Colorado hunting license and lawfully involved in hunting and harvesting game.

Violation of Stage 1 fire restrictions could result in a maximum fine of $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for more than six months, or both. If responsible for causing a wildfire, one could be held accountable for suppression costs of that fire.

To view the fire restriction orders and maps, go to They will be listed in the “Alerts and Notices” box on the right. Please note that many counties are also under fire restrictions; information is available at

As July 4, approaches you should also note that fireworks are never allowed on National Forest System lands. Rangers need everyone to be careful as they enjoy the National Forest.


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