Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hike highlighting early Estes Park landowner Dunraven and his book about Yellowstone National Park on tap Saturday

Cheyenne Mountain State Park’s popular “A Literary Walk in the Woods” program continues on Saturday, July 22, with a hike spotlighting the Earl of Dunraven in the Yellowstone National Park in 1874.

The 4th Earl Dunraven fell in love with the American West during hunting expeditions in Wyoming, Nebraska and western Kansas. He is familiar in Colorado for being an early property owner in Estes Park.

Dunraven developed a spiritual passion for the Yellowstone Country dating to March 1872 when explorers and geologists persuaded President Grant to create the Yellowstone National Park, the first in the world.

Dunraven was a forward-looking man who found in the American wilderness a school for resolving the conflicts of modern life. What he learned at the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone, and the summit of Mount Washburn, he took with him on his return to his home in western Ireland. His book, The Great Divide: Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the Summer of 1874, recounts in flowing literary style the journey of a man seeking answers.

Dunraven’s book will be presented by Tamara Teale, a lifelong resident of the West and an independent scholar with degrees in literature and culture studies from the University of Essex, Colchester, England, and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She specializes in British and French travel accounts of the American West.

The program begins in the Visitor Center classroom with a biography of the author. Participants then will take an easy one-mile nature walk on Zook Loop Trail to the Rock Garden for more about Dunraven’s book.

When: 9:30-11:30 a.m., July 22

Where: Cheyenne Mountain State Park

Cost: Program is free, but a $7 park day pass required

Reservations: Encouraged by not required. Call 719-576-2016


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