Monday, June 12, 2017

Save Time At Rocky Mountain National Park Entrance Stations Purchase Park Pass Ahead Of Visit

Rocky Mountain National Park visitors can now purchase a one day entrance pass or weekly entrance pass online. Visit and follow the prompts. Your email confirmation will serve as your pass. Print out your email receipt, or show park staff at the entrance station your email confirmation on your mobile device. Take a screen shot of your email if you are concerned about your cellular coverage.

Purchasing an entrance pass online supports Rocky Mountain National Park and saves transaction time once you reach the entrance station kiosk. Plan on riding the Hiker Shuttle from the Estes Park Visitor Center? Purchase your pass online. Plan on visiting areas where fees are required but not collected such as Lily Lake, Longs Peak, Lumpy Ridge or the East Inlet Trailhead? Purchase your pass online.

Eighty percent of park entrance fees stay right here in Rocky Mountain National Park and are used on projects that directly benefit visitors. Entrance fees have supported a wide range of projects that improve the park and visitor experiences, including renovating all campground restroom facilities, rehabilitating and maintaining approximately 100 of the park’s 350 miles of trails, replacing trailhead signs, replacing picnic tables throughout the park, mitigating hazard trees in or near park facilities such as campgrounds, parking lots, road corridors and visitor centers, and operating the park’s visitor shuttle bus system.


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