Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Brand New CMC Book: Colorado 14er Disasters

The Colorado Mountain Club has recently published a new book detailing some of the climbing disasters that have taken place along some of the 14K foot peaks in Colorado. The following is a summary review from the Amazon page (I must confess that I haven't read this yet, but it's at the top of my Christmas wish list!):

"The drive to summit all of the 14,000-foot peaks in the state of Colorado rages on like a growing wildfire. Summiting a Colorado 14er is an incredibly popular activity, but the ominous potential of a mountaineering accident casts its dark shadow on what is otherwise a positive experience for hikers and mountaineers. This book explores the disturbingly easy ways that hikers become stranded, severely injured, or killed on the 14ers. When those accidents happen, the victim is far from help and in an environment where rescue is difficult at best. Colorado 14er Disasters, 2nd Edition is an unflinching exploration of these hair-raising events and rescue attempts, and describes mountaineering accidents as no book has ever done previously. This in turn gives any mountaineer helpful information for avoiding such disasters."

The new book is available at


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