Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Rescue Operation On Longs Peak In Rocky Mountain National Park

Three men from the Glen Haven and Estes Park areas, Alan Smith (42), Elijah Holmes and Austin Holmes, both in their early 20s (not related), spent an unexpected night on Kieners Route on Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park the other night. Family members notified park rangers on Monday night, but at that time they were not asking for assistance.

Yesterday morning, park rangers were in contact via text with the three men. At that time, they indicated they did not want assistance. However, because the men were unprepared to have spent the night out, rangers initiated a search and rescue mission. Rangers departed the Longs Peak Trailhead at 9:25 a.m., summited Longs Peak, and reached the men at 2:50 p.m.

The three men were uninjured, but were cold, dehydrated, tired and unable to ascend to the top of Kieners Route. Rangers provided food, fluids and helped warm the men. Park rangers performed a technical rescue to get the three men off the Kieners Route and then another one to get them down the lower section of the North Face on Longs Peak, reaching the Boulder Field at 7:15 p.m. As of yesterday afternoon rangers were walking with the men down the Longs Peak Trail. They were expected to reach the trailhead before midnight.


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