Friday, April 22, 2016

Canyon Lakes Ranger District Flood-Impacted Trails Update

Many trails across the Canyon Lakes Ranger District were impacted by the September 2013 Flood and a lot of great work by both staff and volunteers has taken place since then. Below is the status of these trails.

North Fork Trail: This trail is partially open to hikers and is anticipated to open more fully in June to hikers. Some additional work must be completed before the trail can be open to stock.

Crosier Mountain Trails: These trails are open but some additional work may take place this year or next to improve the temporary repairs made in 2014.

Hewlett Gulch Trail: Although this trail has been reopened to the public, early rains in 2015 did more damage. It remains open but some additional restoration work is needed.

Young Gulch Trail: One of the most heavily damaged trails by both the 2012 wildfire season and the flood, it remains fully closed. Analysis work for a rebuild has been completed and work will start taking place in 2016. Due to the extensive amount of work needed, it will not open this year.

Lion Gulch Trail: This trail was also heavily damaged and remains closed. Bridge work and trail restoration are both needed. The trailhead is also being used by the Colorado Department of Transportation during road repairs. It is anticipated to stay closed through 2016.

Homestead Meadows Trail: Portions of this trail were completely destroyed and is unstable. Analysis work for a new trail location will be needed before work can take place due to the extensive damage.

Over 600 hours of volunteer work took place on flood-damaged trails last season, in addition to work done by Forest Service trail crews. There will also be additional opportunities this season for the public to volunteer to make progress on the very popular Young Gulch Trail. Thanks to all the volunteers who have helped move us forward in getting trails restored and back open to the public.


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