Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hazard Tree Mitigation Above Milner Pass Along Trail Ridge Road

Bark beetles continue to be active within Rocky Mountain National Park, impacting large numbers of conifer trees. Mitigation of the effects of beetles is focused on removing hazard trees and hazard fuels related to the protection of life and property. For several years, Rocky Mountain National Park has had a proactive bark beetle management program. In recent years, spruce bark beetles have been considered at outbreak levels throughout the park. In 2015, the park has continued its mitigation efforts by removing hazardous trees and implementing temporary closures in a variety of park locations.

Park staff will be conducting hazard tree mitigation through tree removal above Milner Pass through late October. Temporary road closures can be expected along ¼ mile-long sections of Trail Ridge Road on the west side of the park beginning today, October 20, through Thursday, October 22 and from Monday, October 26 through Thursday, October 29. Up to 30 minute traffic delays may take place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. within the project area above Milner Pass. Material disposal will involve consolidation at designated sites for future use including firewood collection permits. More information on wood utilization will be available during the summer of 2016.


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