Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Two Search And Rescue Incidents Conducted In Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park Search and Rescue Team members responded to two separate incidents on Sunday, June 28th.

At 9:30 a.m. rangers were notified by cell phone that Chris LeGault, 48, from Lyons, Colorado, had taken a reported 50 foot fall while backcountry skiing on Sundance Mountain. LeGault had landed in rocks suffering numerous injuries. Rocky Mountain National Park Search and Rescue personnel reached him at 11:45 a.m. They performed a technical evacuation lowering LeGault through snow, rocks and dense brush eventually reaching Old Fall River Road at 7:30 p.m. He was taken by ambulance to Estes Park Medical Center. Twenty personnel were involved in this rescue. Park search and rescue team members were assisted by two members of Douglas County Search and Rescue.

At noon, park rangers were notified by cell phone that Jesse Keller, 24, from Fort Collins, Colorado, had taken a reported 150 foot tumbling fall down The Homestretch on the Keyhole Route on Longs Peak. Rangers were able to speak with Keller and he indicated he had suffered injuries but would attempt to continue down on his own. Rangers left the Longs Peak Trailhead with the intent to assist Keller on the way down. Their efforts were hampered by severe weather and lightning. Rangers reached Keller at 8:30 p.m. at the Keyhole. They assisted him through The Boulder Field and spent the night in the Boulder Field with him. At 8:00 a.m. yesterday morning Fuller was flown by Lifeguard One to Medical Center of the Rockies. Park Search and Rescue Team members reached the trailhead at 11:00 a.m. yesterday morning where they were assisted by four members of Larimer County Search and Rescue.


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