Saturday, October 18, 2014

Endovalley Road Reopens In Rocky Mountain National Park | Old Fall River Road To Open Next July

Roughly one-half mile of the Endovalley Road has reopened to vehicles in Rocky Mountain National Park. This area, along with Old Fall River Road, suffered extensive damages during last year's flood. Currently, there is no trail access in the Alluvial Fan area from either the east or west parking areas as those trails were destroyed. If walking or hiking off road or trail in flood-damaged areas use caution and check area signs, the park website, or ask a ranger for information and safety tips.

Endovalley Road is closed to vehicles past the west Alluvial Fan parking lot. Until October 31, leashed pets and bikes are allowed past this point and can continue up Old Fall River Road on the roadway only. Visitors walking or biking should use caution as the road may be icy and snow-covered at higher elevations. Beginning November 1, leashed pets and bikes will only be allowed from the west Alluvial Fan parking lot to the gate at the base of Old Fall River Road.

Old Fall River Road is expected to open to vehicles in the summer of 2015. Normally the road is open from the fourth of July to early October. Old Fall River Road is a historic dirt road built between 1913 and 1920. Due to the winding, narrow nature of the road, the scenic 9.4-mile route is one-way. It follows the steep slope of Mount Chapin's south face.

The Federal Highways Administration funded this project through the Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) program.

For more information about Rocky Mountain National Park please call the park's Information Office at (970) 586-1206.


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