Saturday, August 30, 2014

How and Why CFI Protects Colorado's Fourteeners

Whether you've hiked a relatively easy 14er such as Quandary Peak or Huron Peak, or even the highest mountain in Colorado, Mt. Elbert, it's likely you've benefited from the volunteer work from the folks at the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative.

Not familiar with this organization? The video below provides a quick overview of the non-profit's work building sustainably located summit trails, closing and restoring unsustainably located user-created trails, and the education of Fourteener hikers. CFI's work helps to protect the rare and fragile alpine tundra ecosystems that draw an estimated half-million people from throughout the world to climb Colorado's 14,000-foot peaks.

For more information on the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, please click here.


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