Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Road Improvements to Close Byers Peak Trailhead This Week

The U.S. Forest Service’s Sulphur Ranger District is planning improvements to the popular Byers Peak Trailhead. Located in the Fraser Experimental Forest, this trailhead accesses a 4-mile long bike/hike to the summit of Byers Peak.

In recent years, the trailhead parking area has deteriorated. Beginning this week, Forest Service crews will replace a damaged culvert just below the parking area and address potholes. As a result, the trailhead will be closed July 23rd through July 25rd.

Hikers wishing to climb Byers Peak during that time may access it from the Lake Evelyn Trailhead. As Crooked Creek Road (FSR 139) may also be closed to through traffic on and off this week, plan on accessing the west trailhead from Parshall.

Similar bike/hike/summit opportunities are available in the Fraser Experimental Forest to St. Louis Peak and Mt. Nystrom, however both roads have experienced significant damage between the parking area and the hiking portion of the trail. Be prepared to carry bikes across major washouts in the road.

In previous years, Fool Creek and St. Louis Creek roads opened once or twice a year to allow vehicular access to the hiking portion of the trailhead. Because there is no parking or turnaround below the washouts, gates will not open to motor vehicle access in 2014. Mangers of the Fraser Experimental Forest and Sulphur Ranger District are discussing options for addressing maintenance issues on these roads into the future.

For the latest information on the status and condition of Sulphur Ranger District roads, call 970-887-4100


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