Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rocky Mountain National Park to Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day This Weekend

Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) in Rocky Mountain National Park by participating in any or all of the weekend events! On Friday, June 6, at 7:00 p.m. join local producer Nick Molle as he shows his documentary film "Birds Without Borders." Over 150 species of birds share the ecosystems of Rocky Mountain National Park and Costa Rica. Fifty are known to nest in Rocky and migrate to Costa Rica. "Birds Without Borders" focuses on four of these species. Filmed on location in both countries, the story follows the research team as they attempt to locate and film each of the four birds in sometimes difficult situations. The one hour film will be shown at Beaver Meadows Visitor Center and is free and open to the public.

On Saturday, June 7, the park will be offering two great events. In the morning, go on a bird walk in Rocky Mountain National Park! Join the park for an opportunity to learn more about migratory birds while exploring the park with experienced bird watchers. The event will begin at 8:00 a.m. at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center. After a short introduction, visitors and bird walk leaders will caravan into the park to view birds in a variety of habitats. The activity is free of charge, but park entrance fees will apply. This guided walk will have naturalists and expert birders help beginners identify birds; all ages and abilities are welcomed. Bring warm clothes, water, good walking shoes, binoculars and a snack. The event will end at noon, but visitors are encouraged to continue their birding adventures throughout the day.

The second event on Saturday, June 7, will be at 7:00 p.m. at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center. Join special guest speaker from Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, Jason Beason. Jason, the Special Monitoring Projects Coordinator, has worked on a wide variety of projects involving birds in 13 western states. He has been involved with several bird migration research projects at Rocky Mountain National Park including Hermit Thrushes and Western Tanagers, and he helped place geolocators on Ospreys last summer to track their migrations. Founded in 1988, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory is a Colorado-based nonprofit that conserves birds and their habitats through an integrated approach of science, education and stewardship. Their work spreads from the Rockies to the Great Plains, Mexico and beyond.

International Migratory Bird Day is celebrated each spring across the United States and Canada. This special event recognizes the movement of nearly 350 species of birds from their wintering grounds in South America, Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean to nesting habitats in North America. This year marks the 22nd anniversary of IMDB with the theme, "Why Birds Matter: The Benefits of Birds to Humans and Nature," sharing the many ways in which birds matter to the earth, to ecosystems, and to us!

Some bird species provide practical solutions to problems, such as the need for insect and rodent control. Others disperse seeds, helping to revegetate disturbed areas. Others are pollinators, ensuring that we are graced with flowering plants, trees, and shrubs. Beyond the utilitarian, birds are inspirations for the arts. Celebrate birds with Rocky and discover why they matter!

If you do plan to visit Rocky Mountain National Park during International Migratory Bird Day, or anytime this year, please note that our hiking website offers a wide variety of accommodation listings in both Estes Park and Grand Lake. Also, don't forget to check out our other Things To Do page to also help with your trip planning.


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