Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Artists Selected For 2014 Program at Rocky Mountain National Park: First Art In The Park Program Begins Tonight

Six artists have been selected for the summer 2014 Artist-in-Residence Program at Rocky Mountain National Park. Artists are provided with a creative, contemplative environment in which to generate artistic works and share their works with the public. During their stay at the park, artists share their vision in two public presentations. These presentations are held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center and are free and open to the public.

Wildlife painter Dustin Van Wechel from Gilbert, Arizona, will be kicking off this year's Art in the Park Program with programs held June 18 and June 25. Dustin believes national parks have been his greatest teacher and inspiration for the arts. For his residency project at Rocky, Dustin will use plein air sketches to create a body of studio-work that will reveal relationships between the park's landscape and its wild residents. Van Wechel was a recipient of the Grand Teton Lodge Company and Wildlife Award for the 2006 Arts for the Parks contest. He was featured artist in the 2012 Southwestern Wildlife Exposition and exhibits in galleries in Jackson, Wyoming and Scottsdale, Arizona.

In addition to Van Wechel, other artists who were selected for this year's program along with their art medium are: Trine Bumiller, Visual Artist from Denver, Colorado; John Stansfield, Storyteller and Writer from Monument, Colorado; Michael Lang, Photographer from Lakewood, Colorado ; Jessica Bryant Painter and Art Teacher from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; James and Jenny Tarpley, Photographers from Marion, North Carolina.

Artistic diversity, new ideas and creative uses of media were encouraged in the application process. Artists are given two-week residencies at the William Allen White cabin from June through September. For a specific schedule and to learn more about these artists, click here.

Artists have had a long-standing impact on the formation, expansion and direction of our country's national parks. Musicians, composers, painters, writers, sculptors and other performing artists also draw upon the multifaceted quality of parks for inspiration. All of these artists translate the national park's purpose, as a place of pleasure and preservation, into images which bring others enjoyment and a deeper understanding of the parks some may never visit. Rocky Mountain National Park's Artist-In-Residence program provides artists the opportunity to become a part of a long established tradition of artists in our national parks.

For more information about Rocky Mountain National Park please contact the park's Information Office at (970) 586-1206.


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