Wednesday, May 7, 2014

U.S. Forest Service Flood Recovery Open Houses

The Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests is hosting three open houses in May to discuss information about ongoing flood recovery efforts on National Forest System lands.

The September 2013 floods changed the landscape of the forest dramatically. Representatives from the Flood Recovery Team will provide opportunities to learn about affected recreational opportunities, Forest Service access and natural resource recovery.

Meetings will be held at the following locations and dates:

Canyon Lakes Ranger District:

May 13, 5-7 p.m. in Loveland at Group Publishing, 1515 Cascade Avenue Loveland, Colo. 80536 (on Highway 34, immediately west of La Quinta Hotel). This meeting will be directed towards communities, such as those who live close to flood-affected National Forest System lands, rural emergency responders, and those who conduct business on National Forest System lands.

May 20, 5-7 p.m. in Fort Collins at the USFS Canyon Lakes Ranger District Office, 2150 Centre Ave Fort Collins, Colo. 80526. This meeting will focus primarily on post-flood recreation and volunteerism on the Canyon Lakes Ranger District.

Boulder Ranger District:

May 19, 5-7 p.m. in Boulder at the USFS Boulder Ranger District Office, 2140 Yarmouth Avenue Boulder, Colo. 80301. This will be an open house format, but there will be a brief presentation at 6 p.m.

For more information on the meetings in Loveland or Fort Collins, contact Jane Gordon at or 970-295-6843. For more information on the meeting in Boulder, contact Ben Johnson at or 303-541-2544.

Additional flood information can be found online at


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