Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Celebrate Rocky Mountain's 100th Anniversary With Hikes and Other Events

On September 4, 1915, hundreds of people gathered in Horseshoe Park to celebrate the dedication of America’s newest playground, Rocky Mountain National Park. Signed into law on January 26th of that same year by President Woodrow Wilson, Rocky Mountain National Park would forever protect the incredible resources found within its boundaries so that future generations might also benefit from its beauty and wildness.

As the 100th year anniversary of its creation approaches, Rocky Mountain National Park will be planning events and working with partners and surrounding communities to commemorate the events and relationships that have made the park what it is today. In order to accommodate the greatest variety of events possible, celebration of the Rocky Mountain National Park 100th Anniversary will begin on September 4, 2014, and will continue through September 4, 2015.

Already on the list are several guided hikes. The Colorado Mountain Club will be offering hikes, climbs, and wildflower walks throughout the anniversary year. Also, later this year, on September 5th, the Rocky Mountain Nature Association will be offering a naturalist-guided hike along the Ute Trail  (please call 970-586-3262 for details).

The park itself will also be offering a guided hike along the Lily Lake Trail on September 6th.

For a complete list of events currently scheduled for the year-long celebration, please click here. You should note that additional events will be added as we approach the anniversary.

Rocky Mountain enthusiasts may also want to note that award-winning author Mary Taylor Young has recently published a new book that celebrates the park's centennial. In addition to telling the story of the park, Rocky Mountain National Park: The First 100 Years is illustrated with more than 250 historical and landscape images. Mary will be giving a presentation on her new book at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center Auditorium on September 27th as part of the Centennial Speaker Series.

If you plan to visit Rocky Mountain National Park during the centennial celebration, or anytime this year, please note that our website offers a wide variety of accommodation listings in both Estes Park and Grand Lake. Also, don't forget to check out our other Things To Do page to help with your trip planning.


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