Friday, March 21, 2014

Multiple Recreation Areas to be Impacted by Mountain Pine Beetle Preventative Spraying

Multiple recreation areas will be temporarily impacted this spring due to efforts related to the mountain pine beetle epidemic, including hazard tree cutting and spraying more than 7,400 trees.

Contract crews are spraying trees in select campgrounds and day-use areas on the Canyon Lakes Ranger District this spring and summer. Contractors spray Carbaryl and U.S. Forest Service crews monitor operations and conditions. Spraying is very dependent on calm weather and could begin as soon as April 28th. Spraying is planned at these locations:

* Bellaire Campground and Day-use
* Dowdy Campground and Day-use (temporary closure necessary)
* Mountain Park Campground and Day-use
* Jacks Gulch Campground
* West Lake Campground and Day-use
* Redfeather Work Center

Approximately 250 white pine blister rust resistant limber pines and conifers will be sprayed as well this spring in the Cherokee Park and Crown Point areas.

Check the website or call visitor information at 970-295-6700 before heading out. Also make sure to check the status of roads across the district, as hazard tree cutting activities and flood damage have some roads closed.


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