Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rocky Mountain National Park Recruits Volunteer Groups For This Summer

Rocky Mountain National Park staff is looking for organized groups and families to assist with a variety of projects at the park this summer. The work ranges from assisting park firefighters on a fuels reduction project to protect the park and surrounding neighbors, working on native plant restoration or assisting the park's trail crew on trail rehabilitation and some flood recovery efforts.

There are a range of projects for a variety of ages and abilities. Groups of volunteers can come from around Colorado or from across the country to make a difference in their national park. Depending on availability, a free campsite may be available for groups of volunteers.

For more information on how your group can get involved and make a difference this summer at Rocky, check out the park's website: or call the park's Volunteer Office at 970-586-1330.

For general information please call the park's Information Office at (970) 586-1206.


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