Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rocky Mountain Nature Association: Classrooms Without Walls

The Rocky Mountain Nature Association is one of sixty-five cooperating associations nationwide that work with the national park system. Established in 1931, it's also one of the oldest cooperating organizations in the nation.

Rocky Mountain Nature Association's purpose is to support research, interpretive and other educational programs of the National Park Service and allied public agencies. To help accomplish these objectives the RMNA conducts educational seminars throughout the year. The funds raised from these activities go towards long-term improvement projects within Rocky Mountain National Park, including land acquisition, capital construction, restoration and preservation of historic structures, development of educational exhibits, construction of trails, and development of wheelchair accessible pathways.

Most of the seminars include field trips to experience Rocky Mountain National Park in an atmosphere of personal instruction. A wide range of topics are covered, including wildflowers, mammals, birds, cultural history, outdoor skills, photography, painting and writing. Most seminars require hiking, while some include an element of rigor due to high altitude and variable weather.

With their 2014 schedule now posted to their website, here's a small sampling of some of the programs that will be offered during the upcoming year:

* February 15: Winter Ecology: A Snowshoeing Trek for Kids & Families
* June 11: Plant & Wildflower Identification with a Naturalist
* June 20-22: Photographing Wildlife: When, Where, & How
* July 9: Rocky Mountain Trailblazers: Kid's Hiking Series
* July 12: North American Bears: Ecology, Behavior & Evolution
* July 15: Hummingbirds: Field Research
* September 5: Hike with a Naturalist: Ute Trail
* Late Sept thru mid-Oct: Elk Expeditions

For more information on these, and many other field seminars, please visit the Rocky Mountain Nature Association's website.

While planning your visit to Rocky Mountain National Park, please note that our website offers a variety of accommodation listings in both Estes Park and Grand Lake.


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