Sunday, December 8, 2013

Drone Video: Estes Park from the Sky

ColoradoSky published this video the other day. Taken from a drone, the short film shows-off the snow-covered mountains surrounding Estes Park. ColoradoSky notes on his page that "Zero degrees numbed my fingers and limited my time in the air to just a few minutes, but I had to take a quick look. From the overlook on Hwy 36 entering Estes Park."

As drone technology spreads, this is likely only the beginning of this genre of film making:

2013-12-5 Snow and cold in Estes Park, but oh it's beautiful! from ColoradoSky on Vimeo.

Rocky Mountain Hiking Trails

1 comment:

  1. Very good. You're giving me ideas about what I should bring along to my next trip to the Pueblo Mtns. of Southeast Oregon and the far north of Nevada.
