Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rocky Mountain National Park Seeks Applications for 2014 Artist-In-Residence Program

The National Park Service is accepting applications through November 15, 2013, for Rocky Mountain National Park's summer 2014 Artist-in-Residence Program. Selected artists are provided with a creative, contemplative environment in which to generate artistic works and share their works with the public. Artistic diversity, new ideas and creative uses of media are encouraged. Selected artists receive a two-week residency at the William Allen White cabin from June through September. Professional musicians, writers, sculptors, painters, photographers, poets and performance artists will be given equal consideration.

During their stay, artists share their vision in two public presentations. Following their residency, artists donate a fully finished work to Rocky Mountain National Park, representative of their stay. The National Park Service holds a noncommercial copyright to donated artwork.

A panel of professional artists will judge the applicant pool. Five to six artists will be selected to participate in the summer of 2014. Selections are made on the basis of the following criteria: entry materials, vision, and recognized talent as demonstrated by participation in juried shows, publications or performances. Having begun in 1984, Rocky Mountain's program is the longest running Artist-in-Residence program operated by the National Park Service.

Interested artists may obtain more information and download an application by accessing the park's website.

Detailed instructions are on the entry form. Applications must be postmarked by November 15, 2013.


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