Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Four Ways to Help the Colorado Flood Victims

There are at least 4 ways you can directly help the victims of the recent floods in Colorado - at least those in the Estes Park area. If you know of others, please leave a comment or send me an email.

1) You can volunteer your time. The Volunteer Clearinghouse is now open from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. You can email them at vch@estes.org or call them at 970-577-3974.

2) You can make a monetary donation. A special flood relief fund has been set up through Crossroads Ministry to receive and disperse funds for local flood victims. Please visit www.crossroadsministryofEP.org for more information and to donate.

3) If interested in directly helping Rocky Mountain National Park with recovery aid, the Rocky Mountain Nature Association is spearheading efforts to raise money to help with flood recovery needs within the park. Your gift will be used for a variety of flood related needs, including trail, bridge and road repair. For more information, please visit: www.rmna.org

4) Visit Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park, and patronize local businesses! Believe it or not, but many businesses in the Estes Park area are already up and running. There are several big events coming up that you shouldn't miss, namely the annual elk rut and the beautiful fall aspens. Estes Park will also be holding several events this fall, including this weekend's annual Elk Fest.


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