Friday, August 16, 2013

Longs Peak climber falls - Suffers numerous injuries - Recovery efforts delayed for man who died yesterday

This morning at 7:30 a.m., as recovery operations were beginning for Paul Nahon, the man who died yesterday after falling from The Narrows along the Keyhole Route, Rocky Mountain National Park rangers were notified of another incident. A technical climber on the east face of Longs Peak took an approximate 50 foot roped fall and suffered numerous injuries.

Resources gathered for the recovery efforts are now being focused on assisting the 34 year old climber. A park ranger/park medic came up the North Chimney and reached the man at 11:30 a.m. Two additional rangers rappelled from Chasm View to the man. Operations are underway to conduct a technical rescue. Rangers will perform a technical lower 500 feet down the North Chimney and connect with other resources. The team will then carry the patient in a litter to an area where he can be flown to further medical care, if weather and time permits.

Park rangers are being assisted by Rocky Mountain Rescue and Larimer County Search and Rescue.

Recovery efforts for Paul Nahon's body will be delayed until completion of this current rescue. Park staff will evaluate available aircraft, weather conditions and personnel necessary to complete the recovery.


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