Monday, August 5, 2013

CMC Hike to Black Lake This Friday

The Shining Mountains Group of the Colorado Mountain Club is a leading a hike to Black Lake in the Glacier Gorge area of Rocky Mountain National Park this Friday.

Black Lake is a spectacular alpine lake that fills a deep cirque basin carved out of the base of McHenrys Peak and Chiefs Head Peak. From its north shore you'll also be able to see The Arrowhead and The Spearhead.

Along the way hikers will also visit Mills Lake, Jewel Lake and Ribbon Falls.

Those planning to participate will meet at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center parking lot - at the far end from the buildings at 7:30 AM this Friday, August 9th. Hikers will then carpool to the Glacier Gorge or Bear Lake parking lots. Construction on Bear Lake Road is still going on, so carpooling will be encouraged.

For more information on this CMC hike, please click here, or email: For more information on hiking to Black Lake, please click here.


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