Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Devils Causeway

Zion National Park has Angel's Landing. Then of course there's the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon, as well as Half Dome in Yosemite. However, there's a hike in northwestern Colorado that's almost as scary as these trails, though not quite as popular or well known.

The Devil’s Causeway is a narrow strip of land that will cause sheer terror, or awe and thrill, for anyone who dare's to cross it. This “land bridge” in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area of the White River National Forest is roughly 50 feet in length, and narrows to as little as 3 feet in width. On both sides of the rough and rugged trail (terrain is the more proper term) are sheer 60-80 foot cliffs, with steep talus slopes dropping another 600-800 feet into the drainages below.

To get an idea of what you'll have to contend with - should you decide to risk life and limb - check out this short video. I should note that this hiker doesn't seem to be too bothered by the heights, judging by the speed with which he crosses the causeway:

Here's another video which provides much more perspective on what the entire hike is like:

For more information on hiking the Devils Causeway, please click here.


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